Identifikasi Permasalahan Yang Dihadapi Guru PJOK DALAM Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran di SMAK ST. Thomas Aquinas Ruteng

  • Roberto Carlos
Keywords: Problems Faced By PJOK Teachers


Education is the most important thing in human life, this means that every Indonesian person deserves it and is expected to always develop in it, education will never end, education in general has the meaning of a life process in developing each individual to be able to live and live life. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the obstacles faced by physical education teachers at SMAK St. Thomas Aquinas Ruteng and to find out what factors influence the problems or obstacles faced by physical education teachers at SMAK St. Thomas Aquinas Ruteng. This research is a research that uses a qualitative approach. The research subjects in this study were school principals, physical education teachers (2 teachers) and also students (3 children). The main method in this study uses the interview method used to obtain direct information about the problems faced in physical education learning. The results showed that there are 4 factors that affect physical education learning, namely teacher factors, student factors, curriculum factors and environmental factors. From the results of the study, it was concluded that, 1.) Physical education learning at SMAK St. Thomas Aquinas Ruteng has adjusted the stages that must be carried out by the physical education teacher, namely curriculum, opening lessons, learning preparation, learning implementation, facilities and infrastructure, time allocation. 2.) The most prominent and problematic factor in PE learning at SMAK St. Thomas Aquinas Ruteng is the lack of enthusiasm from students to follow PE subjects because the facilities and infrastructure are not adequate enough for the implementation of the learning process.
