Pengaruh Latihan Media Lampu Reaksi Terhadap Kelincahan Langkah Kaki (Footwork) Usia 10 -- 15 Tahun di Pb Sarma

  • Muhamad Rizki -
  • Erick Prayogo Walton Program Studi Pendidikan Kesehatan Jasmani dan Rekreasi, Univeristas Muhammadiah Bangka Belitung
  • Ratno Purnamasari Program Studi Pendidikan Kesehatan Jasmani dan Rekreasi, Univeristas Muhammadiah Bangka Belitung
Keywords: reaction light media, footwork agility


This research was stalled when the SIRNAS B (National Circuit B) 2023 Belitung frame matched no PB. Sarma athletes entered the semi-finals or finals. It is based on delays in returning the shuttlecock, inappropriateness in performing the punch, and uneven footwork that is easy to tire of. The field training is still manual, and no technology-based training is applied. This study aims to find out the influence of light reaction training media on the footwork agility of 10–15-year-olds in PB Sarma. This type of research is quantitative and descriptive, using the "pre-experimental design" method (one-group pretest-posttest design). The population in this study is the total badminton PB Sarma athletes of 40 people. In this study, 20 people were sampled using a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis test used in this study employs a normality test and a hypothetical test using the t-test formula. Based on the results of the test of the hypothesis using the test-t formula and the obtained t-count value of 9.275 > t-table 1.729, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, it can be concluded that "there is an influence of the training method of light media reaction on footwork agility 10–15 years old in PB Sarma.".
